Tools and Methodologies

Tools and Methodologies
In direct response to medium and long-term market trends, Galenisys has developed Business Excellence – a model and toolkit combination to help you make the fundamental changes needed to thrive in a market that’s moving towards more personalised healthcare.
Business Excellence is inspired by (amongst others) the Toyota Manufacturing System, which changed the way in which its factories worked to become more flexible and meet customer demand faster.
However instead of automobile parts, we have tailored our new methodology to meet the particular needs of pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Some history – why the pharmaceutical industry needs to change
In the last 30 years, IT, telecoms, auto and aerospace have all made a fundamental shift away from a simple efficiency, or “Taylor” model, to real customer satisfaction and true business excellence. Healthcare has been left behind.
This is true in an industrial sense because of the preoccupations imposed by regulatory compliance logic. In patient terms, of course, we have made great strides – but for companies, patents will soon begin to expire, product pipelines are less and less promising and the era of high profitability is generally seen as coming to an end.
Personalised medicine is now considered by many to be the future of healthcare.
Because of this, Quality & Regulatory compliance management has moved from being the “entry ticket price” for industry players to a means of achieving sustainable business performance.
We believe the industries cited above, as well as the Generic Pharma and Bio-similar companies demonstrate the need to change the way we think about healthcare, and transform the “compliance issue” into a business performance strategy.
This is exactly what Business Excellence can do for you – turn compliance from a formality into the key driver of customer satisfaction.