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Quick Contact
11, rue
Notre Dame de
Nazareth 75003
Paris, France.
+33 (0)1 45554414
Registration number: 484 296 058 00056
VAT number: FR70484296058
Director: Steve Biddulph
Quick Contact
Galenisys Inc.
4359, Ravinewood Dr.
Commerce Mi 48382
(248) 676 0521 – (724) 557 4415
Registration number: 484 296 058 00056
VAT number: FR70484296058
Director: Ken Feld

Excellence Areas
There are 5 specific areas of expertise In Galenisys consulting services where the Galenisys experts are recognised throughout the industry…

Pharmaceutical Consultants
Galenisys is a top-ranking pharmaceutical consultancy with extensive experience working with blue chip pharmaceutical manufacturers in North America and Europe…

Emerging Markets
Galenisys Consultants have practical experience in Emerging Markets. They have held positions in Industrial Operations and management of quality structures….